Instructions regarding Dealing with Cases for Creation of OSD Posts for Provision of Salary to the Family of Deceased

Directorate of Public Instructions (Elementary Education Punjab) has issued letter regarding Instructions regarding Dealing with Cases for Creation of OSD Posts for Provision of Salary to the Family of Deceased. Detail is as under:

`               I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that the following instructions for dealing with such special case may be observed strictly.

  1. The case may be dealt individually and two sets of attested documents may be furnished to this Directorate.
  2. Applications from windows/widower/legal heirs forwarded by the head of institutions.
  3. Attested copy of CNIC of deceased civil servants.
  4. Attested copy of NIC of windows/widower.
  5. Attested copy of Succession Certificate.
  6. Attested copy of list of Family Members from NADRA.
  7. Attested copy of NICs of Family Member (Babies).
  8. Affidavit about recovery of Govt. dues.
  9. Attested copy of Death Notification.
  10. Attested copy of Death Registration Certificate issued by Secretary Union Council/Govt. of Punajb.
  11. Affidavit of only widow/widows/widower.
  12. Attested copy of Last Salary slip.
  13. Attested copy of Last Pay Certificate issued by the DDO concerned.
  14.  Attested copy of No. Re-Marriage Certificate from widows/widower.
  15. Attested copy of Service Certificate issued by DAO.
  16. Attested copy of Nikah Nama.
  17. Attested copy of Service Book attested by head of institution/DDO.

I am further directed to request that above instructions may be head of institution.

Special thanks to Mr. Naseer Husain for sending the copy of the letter of Instructions regarding Dealing with Cases for Creation of OSD Posts for Provision of Salary to the Family of Deceased.

See also  Notification of Regularization Appointment Contract Employees Appointed Under PM Assistance Package During 15-06-2013 to 09-02-2015


Creation of OSD Posts


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