Consideration of Length of Service Non-Gazetted Period Towards Time Scale

Government of Pakistan Federal Directorate of Education has issued Notification on 05-03-2018 in connection with Consideration of Length of Service Non-Gazetted Period Towards Time Scale. Summary is as under:

I am directed to say that Federal Service Tribunal, Islamabad (FST) has passed a judgment in appeal No. 2438 R(CS) / 2017 dated 22.01.2018 wherein the honourable FST has held that:

“Even otherwise, the appellant was entities to get the benefit of his previous governments service in BS-16 and below for the purpose of promotion in terms of O.M No. 1/9/80-R-2 dated 02.06.1983 of Establishment Division which prescribes a formula for counting of service in BS-16 and below promotion in the following terms: –

“Where first appointment of a person other than a person covered by provision (ii) was made to government service in BS-16 or below one-half of the service in BS-16 and one further in BS-15 and below may be counted as service in BS-17 for computing length of service for the purpose of promotion only.”

FST further held in the same judgment that “AGPR while declining the request of the appellant ignored the violation the above notification hence the impugned letter dated 24.02.2016 is held to be in violation of the government policy and is accordingly set aside. The appeal is accepted. The respondent No. 1 (i.e. AGPR) is directed to issue the revised pay slip of the appellant within a period of 15 days.


Length of Service Non-Gazetted Period Towards Time Scale


See also  Notification of Enrollment Emergency Campaign 2013 by Punjab Govt

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