Notification of Recruitments Through Public Service Commissions Exempted from Ban & For others Tests /Interviews Conducted before 1st April 2018

Election Commission of Pakistan has issued Notification No.F.2(3)/2018-Cord dated 14-06-2018 in connection with Notification of Recruitments Through Public Service Commissions Exempted from Ban & For others Tests /Interviews Conducted before 1st April 2018. Detail is as under:

WHEREAS, the Election Commission of Pakistan directed on 11th April, 2018: –

a- That all kinds of recruitments in any Ministry, Division, Department or institution of the Federal Government or any Department or institution of any Provincial and Local governments are banned forthwith, except recruitments by the Federal or a Provincial Public Service Commission and those where test/interviews have already been conducted by 1st April, 2018.

b- That all development schemes which have been approved with effect from 1st April, 2018 like installation of gas pipelines, supply of electricity, roads carpeting, water supply schemes etc. Shall not be executed by the Federal/Provincial/Local governments authorities. Moreover, the Federal Government, the Provincial Governments and Local Governments shall not issue tenders of such schemes till conclusion of General elections, 2018.

c- That diversion of funds already allocated to various development projects in the country is banned forthwith and the spending of funds so diverted shall stand frozen forthwith.

WHEREAS the term pf the National Assembly and all Provincial Assemblies expired by 31st May, 2018 and the Care-Taker Governments have been establishment at Federal as well as Provincial level.

Now therefore in exercise of its powers conferred on under Article 218(3) of the Constitution read with Section 4,5 and 8© of the Elections Act, 2017 and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Election Commission of Pakistan directs that:

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The ban imposed on recruitments is withdraw forthwith.


Provided that care taken governments shall not make promotions or major appointments of public officials but may make acting or short term appointments in public interest.


Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Recruitments Through Public Service Commissions Exempted from Ban & For others Tests /Interviews Conducted before 1st April 2018.


Recruitments Through Public Service Commissions


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