Summer Vacation 2018 High Court Lahore and Cases Details

I am here sharing the Summer Vacation 2018 High Court Lahore and Cases Details. During summer vacation only following categories of cases shall be entertained by the High Court. Detail is as under:


  1. Habeas Corpus Petitions or Detention Matters.
  2. Bail/Cancellation of Bail Applications.
  3. Petitions for the Quashment of FIRs.
  4. Petitions against the orders passed under Section 22-A, 22-B, Cr.P.C
  5. Suspension of Sentence Applications.
  6. Petitions seeking injunction/stay orders involving imminent threat irreparable loss.
  • Any other matter of genuine urgency with the approval of the Chief Justice/ Senior Vacation Judge at the Principal Seat and the Senior Vacation Judge at the Benches.


  1. Pre-arrest and Post-arrest bails.
  2. Fixed by Court/fixed from Docket cases before the same Bench if available summer vacation.
  3. Suspension of Sentence Application(s).
  4. Any other case(s) under the directions of the Hon`ble Chief Justice.


Summer vacation will be observed with effect from 2nd July to 1st September 2018 in High Court Lahore.


Summer Vacation 2018 High Court Lahore



Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Summer Vacation 2018 High Court Lahore and Cases Details.

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