Activities to Assist or Support Any Contesting Candidate by a Government Servant or Public Office Holder

Deputy Commissioner Shaheez Benazir Abad has issued order on 29-06-2018 in connection with Activities to Assist or Support Any Contesting Candidate by a Government Servant or Public Office Holder. Detail is as under:

In pursuance of Code of Conduct for General Elections – 2018 notified by the Election Commission of Pakistan vide Notification No. F. 2(13)/2018- Cord, dated 14th June 2018 and Section No. 09 read with Section 31 of the said Code, all the Government Servants, Public Office holders including the officials of Local Government and the persons working in Semi- Government Organizations are prohibited from extending any material support or assistance to any contesting candidate to promote his election activities or do any activity aimed at hindering his election in any manner.

Furthermore, it may also be noted that the executive authorities in the district and elected representatives of a local government shall neither use state resources in any constituency where election is being held for unfair advantage of a particular candidate or political party nor exercise undue influence affecting the interest of a candidate or party for participating in any election.

In case of any violation or disobedience, the delinquents shall be proceeded against under Election Act, 2017 and E&D Rules.

Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Bux Saleem Khaskheli for sending the copy of the order of Activities to Assist or Support Any Contesting Candidate by a Government Servant.


Support Any Contesting Candidate


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