Notification of Grant Civil Secretariat Allowance @ 50% of the Running Basic Pay Scales 2017 to the employees of Civil Secretariat Punjab, Governor’s House/Secretariat and Chief Minister’s Office (BPS-01 to BPS-22)

Government of the Punjab, Services & General Administration Department has issued Notification on 02-07-2018 in connection with Grant Civil Secretariat Allowance @ 50% of the Running Basic Pay Scales 2017 to the employees of Civil Secretariat Punjab, Governor’s House/Secretariat and Chief Minister’s Office (BPS-01 to BPS-22). Detail is as under:

Please refer to the subject noted above and to state that Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to grant Civil Secretariat Allowance @ 50% on running Basic Pay Scales 2017 to the employees of Civil Secretariat Punjab, Governor`s House / Secretariat and Chief Minister`s Office (BS-1 to BS-22) w.e.f. 01.01.2018 (Copy enclosed)

  1. Worth to mention here that erstwhile LO-4001 / Accounts Section, S&GAD now LO-5621/Section Officer (Accounts-II/Non-Gazettted), S&GAD and LO-5622/ Section Officer (Accounts-II/Non-gazetted) under LQ-4537 wherefrom more than 1700 Officers/Officials are drawing salary through Computer O/o A.G. Punjab. Due to huge number of employees preparation of computerized charges and its effectiveness would be a real challenge not only this Department but payrolls concerned too besides there is common apprehension of misfielded that can results financial for Officers / Officials of this Department.
  2. Foregoing above, it is requested that Civil Secretariat Allowance @ 50% on running Basic Pay Scales 2017 to the extent of employees LO-5621 & LO-5622 (BS-1 to BS-22) w.e.f. 01.01.2018 may be incorporated through Computer in the salary slip of July, 2018 to avoid undue burden as well as financial hardships.


Grant Civil Secretariat Allowance @ 50%


See also  Notification of Grant of South Punjab Secretariat Allowance

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