Notification of Overtime Allowance 2018 to the Staff Car Drivers and Dispatch Riders

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification on 02-07-2018 in connection with Overtime Allowance 2018 to the Staff Car Drivers and Dispatch Riders. Detail is as under:

The undersigned is directed to refer to Finance Division’s O.M. No.4(1)R-5/2010 dated 6-7-2015 on the above subject and to state that the President has been pleased to enhance the rate of overtime allowance admissible to Staff Car Drivers/Dispatch Riders, w.e.f 1-7-2018, as under: –

Designation Existing Revised
Staff Car Drivers and Dispatch Riders Rs. 40/- per hour subject to maximum Rs. 240/- per day On working days:

Rs. 80/- per hour subject to maximum Rs. 480/- per day.

On holidays: Rs. 100/- per hour subject to maximum Rs. 600/- per day.


  1. The existing condition that the overtime allowance of staff car drivers/dispatch riders will only be paid of it has been verified by the officer concerned, will continue to apply.


Overtime Allowance 2018


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4 thoughts on “Notification of Overtime Allowance 2018 to the Staff Car Drivers and Dispatch Riders

  1. Please guide me regarding the promotion of Drivers. I am working in a DHQ and drivers are asking for the promotion to BPS-07. Please guide me is there any notification relevant to promotion of drivers? I shall be very thankfull to you for this.


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