Rulings Transfer Employees from One Local Government to Others Local Government

Government of the Punjab, Local Government & Community Development has issued Notification on 02-07-2018 in connection with Rulings Transfer Employees from One Local Government to Others Local Government. Summary is as under:

I am directed to refer to the subject and state that it has been observed that in the past the heads of the local governments adopted illegal particle of transferring of employee of one local governments to another under Rule 3(2) of the ibid rules reproduce below: –

“Servants of Local Councils may be transferred from one Local Council to another

Local Council to an equal post, grade or cadre on their own request and in such

a case they will be placed at the bottom of the seniority list of the relevant service

of the relevant service of the Local Council to which they are transferred,”

  1. I am further directed to clarify that under Rule 3(2) ibid, only LG&CD Department is Competent to transfer any employee of local governments from one Local Government to another either within a district or a district or a division on his own request. Therefore, any such order (excluding and orders issued by the Commissioners, ex-DCOs/DCs, Director Local Government, Deputy Directors Local Governments and ADLGs on the basis of which the LG&CD Department approved the Schedule of Establishment of concerned Local Governments vide order No.SO.Admn-III(LG)Misc./2015(P-I0 dated 19.04.2017 and the post of a transfer in now the part of approved Schedule of Establishment of a local governments)  already issued or to be issued by any authority other than the LG&CD Department is not warranted under the rule ibid and , thus illegal and void ab-initio.
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Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Rulings Transfer Employees from One Local Government to Others Local Government.



Rulings Transfer Employees


Transfer LocaL gOVERNMENT


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