Clarification Inspection Allowance of Assistant Education Officer (Education Department)

Office of the District Accounts Officer Muzaffargarh has issued letter on 12-07-2018 in connection with Clarification Inspection Allowance of Assistant Education Officer (Education Department). Detail is as under:

Kindly refer on the above cited above.

  • It is submitted that inspection allowance @25,000/- P.M was granted to the Assistant Education Office by the Finance Department vide No. SO (budget) 1-15/2013 dated 15.01.2018 subject to variable key performance indicators developed by the School Education Department in consultation with DIFD are issued vide No. SO (SE-III) 5-262/2017 dated 12.09.2017 dated 12.09.2017. (Copies of the letters are attached).
  • It is also brought to your kind notice that AEO`s were appointed on 06.07.2017, they remained on training up to 31.08.2017, Since joining they drew Rs. 10,000/- P.M. inspection allowance w.e.f. 06.07.2017 to 31.12.2017. Later on awarded Rs. 25000/- P.M. and Rs 10,000/- P.M. as inspection allowance was withdraw vide No. SO ((budget -1) 1-15/2013 (Vol-) dated 03.01.2018. Now the schools are closed due to the summer vacation w.e.f. 17.05.2018 to onward.
  • The necessary clarification / guidance is required: –
  1. Will the inspection allowance be allowed during the training or therewise?
  2. Will the inspection allowance be allowed during summer vacation or otherwise?
  • Inspection allowance may be included in the monthly pay roll payment may be made manual as per key performance indicator received from department

The matter may please be treated most urgent.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Clarification Inspection Allowance of Assistant Education Officer (Education Department).

See also  Notification of Minimum Wages Rates April 2022 Punjab


Clarification Inspection Allowance


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