Notification of Clarification Admissibility Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016 on Promotion/Upgradation

Government of the Punjab Finance Department has issued Notification on 02-08-2018 in connection with Clarification Admissibility Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016 on Promotion/Upgradation. Detail is as under:

I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that a question has arisen about admissibility of Ad-hoc Relied Allowance – 2016 @ 10% of the existing basic pay of Revised Basic Pay Scales, 2016 to those who have been promoted / upgraded to higher scales after 30.06.2017.

Punjab Government allowed an Ad-hoc relied Allowance – 2016 @ 10% of the running basic pay of BPS – 2016 to the civil servants of the Punjab Government including contract employees employed against civil posts in Basic Pay Scales on standard terms and conditions of contract appointment with effect from 01.07.2016. Further details are available at the copy of the Notification of Clarification Admissibility Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016 on Promotion/Upgradation submitted by Mr. Zahid Khan.


Clarification Admissibility Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016

Admissibility Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016


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8 thoughts on “Notification of Clarification Admissibility Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016 on Promotion/Upgradation

    1. The Federal employee will also get this ARA-2016 as this allowance has been frozen so it is mostly the same and if the post is upgraded to such a scale where the existing ARA-2016 is less than the ARA on the initial new scale of 2016 pay scales then he will get revised ARA-2016.


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