Notification of Regularization Appointment Contract Employees Appointed Under PM Assistance Package During 15-06-2013 to 09-02-2015

Government of Pakistan Secretariat Establishment Division has issued Notification on 17-08-2018 in connection with Regularization Appointment Contract Employees Appointed Under PM Assistance Package During 15-06-2013 to 09-02-2015. Detail is as under:

The undersigned is directed to refer to Controller General of Account’s letter No. 215/CGA/Admin-II/02-10/2010 dated 18-07-2018 on the above subject and to say that all benefits of PM`s Assistance Package 2014 are applicable to the period of held in abeyance from 15-06-2013 to 09-02-2015, it is clear that who appointed on contract basis during 15-06-2013 to 09-02-2015 shall be converted to regular appointment.

Special thanks to Mr. Waqar Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Regularization Appointment Contract Employees Appointed Under PM Assistance Package During 15-06-2013 to 09-02-2015.


Regularization Appointment Contract Employees Appointed Under PM Assistance Package


See also  Notification of Extension Contract of SSEs of School Education Department Punjab

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5 thoughts on “Notification of Regularization Appointment Contract Employees Appointed Under PM Assistance Package During 15-06-2013 to 09-02-2015

  1. i wanted to know that if someone appointed on contract basis under assistance package 2014 and lateron regularized by the department so what will be ones regularization date whether it will be on which one appointed on contract basis or with immediate effect???

  2. Ys this is through court case by our company juris corp pm assistance package 2014 is still in field more than 37 widows got their payments though court for details contact Haider ali advocate 03045000033

  3. What about the payment who would pay the amount to the families. This notification says that period mentioned in it is 15-06-2013 to 09-02-2015. Which package will be applicable it says that package 2014 which held in abyence is applicable. All the benefit will be givivg which comes under this package

  4. This notification is confusing….contract employees appointed during the period shall be regularized, what about those who got appointed on contract on the basis of same 2014 package in the later years???


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