Notification of Fixation of Pay on Promotion Having Personal Pay /Special Pay

Government of the Punjab Finance Department has issued Notification on 18-09-2018 in connection with Fixation of Pay on Promotion Having Personal Pay /Special Pay. Detail is as under:

Kindly refer to your letter No.TM-I/1-1A/2017-18/Part File/2473, dated 27.08.2018, on the subject cited above and it is to intimate that the case of Mr. Liaqat Ali Dogar, being different with the case of Section Officers who have not reached at the maximum of their pay scales, needs amendment in the rules which is under process.

  1. However, you are advised to fix the pay of all Section Officers who have not reached the maximum of their pay scales as in the manner as already conveyed vide letter dated 15.05.2018 as under:-
  2. Basic pay in BPS-17 as Private Secretary + Special Pay = Next above stage in BPS-17 on promotion as Section Officer (BS-17).
  3.  Add one advance increment in terms of Rule 10.2(V) of the Pay Revision Rules, 1977 read with Finance Department`s Notification No. FD.PC. 10-1/78, dated 19.09.1990 (copy enclosed).


Fixation of Pay on Promotion


No.FL.PC-10-1/78, In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 23 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 (VIII of 1974) and In impersection of this Department`s Notification of even number dated 10-1-1982, the Governor of the Punjab in pleased to direct that in Punjab  Civil Servants Pay Revision Rules, 1977, the following amendments shall be made with effect from 1-5-1977, namely:-

Further details are available at the copy of the Notification. Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Fixation of Pay on Promotion Having Personal Pay /Special Pay.

See also  Notification of Grant of Special Conveyance Allowance Balochistan Employees


Fixation of Pay on Promotion Having Personal Pay


Fixation of Pay on Promotion Having Special Pay


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9 thoughts on “Notification of Fixation of Pay on Promotion Having Personal Pay /Special Pay

  1. AOA I was promoted as assistant director in same scale I.e 17. rs.100 was attached with my previous post as special pay. Finance department punjab issued notification notification for fixation of pay with merging of special pay but Dao Chantal refused my request. Ok guide what can I do?

  2. Aoa I was promoted as assistant director on 6.9.2015 in same scale I.e 17. prior to my promtion rs100 was attached with my pay as special pay. finance department punjab issued notification for merging of Rs: 100 special pay.District accounts officer chakwal refused my refixation. Ok guide me what can I do? Thanks

  3. Muhammad Hafeez Ullah · Edit

    I was recruited in contract policy 2004 in 2007
    And after a 11 year i was regularized in 2018
    After regular my service i was thrown on initial basic pay scale stage and increments which i had earned was converted into Personal Allownce.
    Now my post is upgrade from BS 15 to BS 16 and redesignated as senior accountant.
    Now Account office says that my personal allownce discontinued now which approx 11500 rupee.
    Im much worry aboutthis rule.
    A huge amount of my salary would be eliminate which is much loss for me.
    Please help me for retrieve my personal allownce.

    1. Whether Personal Allowance will be part of pay upon promotion, fresh appointment and retirement?


      No, Personal Allowance will not be admissible upon promotion, fresh appointment and retirement.
      Letter No.FD.SR-II/9-214/2013 dated 02.04.2014, 24.06.2014, 19.08.2014 & 27.11.2014

      So in your case there is no promotion, there is just post up gradation. Therefore, personal allowance will not be discontinued. For reference take print of Letter No.FD.SR-II/9-214/2013 dated 02.04.2014, 24.06.2014, 19.08.2014 & 27.11.2014 of Finance Department clarifications.


  4. میری 2011 میں جب سکیل ریوائز ہوۓ تھے ایک اناملی بنی تھی جو مجھے نہیں ملی مجھے وہ اناملی ریموور والا نوٹیفیکیشن چاہیے شکریہ


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