Notification of Clarification of Financial Assistance Package Punjab

Government of the Punjab Finance Department has issued Notification on 24-09-2018 in connection with Clarification of Financial Assistance Package Punjab. (Financial Assistance to the Family of Civil Servant who dies while in Service). Summary is as under:

  1. Finance Department has examined the case and it is clarified as under:
Sr.No. Query Clarification
1. Which Authority will sanction/authorize family salary in case of during service death of a office/officials? Administrative Department in case of provincial employees / civil servants working in field formation, will issue family salary sanction orders in  individual cases by creating  as OSD post in light of para-2(i) of the policy letter No.FD.SR-I/3-10/2004, dated 15.08.2017, No.FD.SR-I/3-10/2004(P), dated 12.09.2017 read with para-5 of policy letter of even number dated 15.08.2007 (copies enclosed).
2. Is there any minimum length of service required for benefit if family salary? No specific length of service is required for benefit of family salary. The family of a civil servant appointed under PCS Act, 1974, dying while in service is eligible for grant of the same.

The families of contract employees dying while in service are eligible to the extent for grant of financial assistance only as per previous financial assistance rates circulated vide No.FD.SR-3-10/2004 dated 13.11.2014 (copy enclosed) read with S&GA`s Notification bearing No.DS(O&M)5-3/2004/Contract(MF) dated 13.02.2009 (copy enclosed).


Further details are available at the copy of the Notification. Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Clarification of Financial Assistance Package Punjab.



Financial Assistance Package Punjab

Financial Assistance Package Punjab Servants


See also  Notification of Time Table / Schedule for Re-Opening of Schools in Punjab

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