Upgradation of Sub-Campus of University of Sargodha at Mianwali into University of Mianwali

Punjab Higher Education Commission has issued letter on 04-10-2018 in connection with Upgradation of Sub-Campus of University of Sargodha at Mianwali into University of Mianwali. Detail is as under:

With reference to subject cited above, it is to state that Punjab Higher Education has received subject request regarding establishment of a University in Mianwali. In this backdrop, the undersigned has been directed by the Chairperson, PHEC to conduct an onsite visit of the sub-campus.

In this regard the undersigned along-with Director (P&D) PHEC has conducted an onsite visit of the sub-campus Mianwail and 04 Government Collages located in Mainwail on October 01, 2018 to access the current situation of higher education in the area.

Initial feasibility report of the subject proposal has been prepared after analysis of the data, and it is proposed that the sub-campus of University if Sargodha in Mainwali may be upgraded as “University of Mainwali” while two commerce collages may be reconstituted as University of Mainwali. Detailed report is attached with this letter for further necessary action.

Special thanks to Mr. Mohsin Sajid for sending the copy of the letter of Upgradation of Sub-Campus of University of Sargodha at Mianwali into University of Mianwali.


University of Mianwali


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