Notification of Instructions Regarding Preventive Measures during Smog

Chief Minister’s Monitoring Force Government of the Punjab School Education Department has issued Notification on 30-10-2018 in connection with Notification of Instructions Regarding Preventive Measures during Smog. Detail is as under:


Kindly refer to this office letter of even No. dated 27-09-2018 and dated 11-10-2018 regarding subject matter (copies attached).


  1. it is reiterated that following instruction regarding preventive measures for curbing SMOG, may be disseminated to all Heads of Schools for conduct of awareness sessions on Song in all schools:-

.    Drinking of plenty of water (8-10 glasses per day)

.    Reduction in outdoor activities

.    Windows and doors of rooms must be closed.

.    Use of Masks / Handkerchiefs by all the students particularly those using bicycle and Motor Cycles.

.     Use of fans in the class rooms and in the houses.

.      No burning of waste material.

.      Use glasses during journey.

.      Frequent washing of hands, face, nose and eyes.

.      No rubbing of eyes.

.      Avoid to drink cold water / cold drinks.

.      Use wet cloth for dusting instead of broom.

.      Sprinkling of water in dusty area / ground etc.

.      In case of redness of eyes, Doctor should be consulted.

.      Awareness regarding Car Pooling.

Special thanks to Mr. Naseer Hussain for sending the copy of the Notification of Instructions Regarding Preventive Measures during Smog.

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Notification of the Punjab Govt School Education Department of the dated 18-10-2019 (18th October 2019)


See also  Notification of Guidelines to be Followed for the Pregnant Women Attending Healthcare Facilities of P&SH Department

Prevent Smog


Preventive Measures during Smog


Precautions Smog


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