Notification of Grant BPS-17 to Superintendents of the Federal Govt

Government of Pakistan Finance Division has issued Notification on 15-11-2018 in connection with Grant BPS-17 to Superintendents of the Federal Govt. Detail is as under:

In pursuance of the Judgment of the Federal Services Tribunal passed in Appeal No.102 to 110®CS/2015 titled Muhammad Ismail and others and Supreme Court of Pakistan`s order dated 04-04-2017 passed in Civil Appeals No.2290-2298/2016 and CMAs No.4077-4085/2016, the condition contained in last two sub-paras viz-2(ii) & (iii) in Finance Division`s O.M.No.F.I(3)R-I/2010/2014 dated 10-09-2014 are hereby withdrawn w.e.f. the dated of its issuance. The Superintendents (BS-16) who have been granted BPS-17 are entitled to all benefits of (BS-17) including perks/privileges, premature increment, rental ceiling/house rent allowance and medical allowance, etc.

  1. This issues with the approval of Finance Secretary.


Notification of Grant BPS-17 to Superintendents


See also  Notification of Revised College Funds

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3 thoughts on “Notification of Grant BPS-17 to Superintendents of the Federal Govt

  1. now in future if any assistant in bps-15 or 16 gets promoted to the post of superintendent than what would be his new scale bps-16 or 17.
    because it was observed as rule that if anyone gets promoted as superintendent he will serve first for three years in bps-16 than he/she will be granted bps-17.
    whts current scenario ?? please guide


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