Pending Regularization Cases of Educators Recruited in the Year 2012

Government of the Punjab School Education Department has issued letter on 03-09-2018 in connection with Pending Regularization Cases of Educators Recruited in the Year 2012. Detail is as under:

In continuation of this department’s letter of even number dated 14-12-2017 on the subject cited above.

The Competent Authority has been pleased to approve that the Educators who were recruited under Recruitment Policy 2012 and acquired professional qualification of B.Ed after three years but within contractual period of five years and are still working may be granted extension is contract period and thereafter regularization after observing codal formalities.

The Competent Authority has been pleased to approve that the Educators who were recruited under Recruitment Policy, 2012 and did not acquire professional qualification of B.Ed even after contractual period of five years may be sent packing with immediate effect.

In view of above, it is therefore, directed to take necessary immediate action as per approval of the Competent Authority under intimation to this Department.

Special thanks to Mr. Naseer Hussain for sending the copy of the letter of Pending Regularization Cases of Educators Recruited in the Year 2012.


Pending Regularization Cases of Educators


See also  Notification Regarding Transfer Posting of Officers / Officials BPS-16 and Above

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