Judgment Sheet Conveyance Allowance during Summer and Winter Vacation FG Teachers

The Federal Service Tribunal (FST) has issued Judgment Sheet Conveyance Allowance during Summer and Winter Vacation FG Teachers. Summary of the same is as under:

For the foregoing reasons and in view of the rule of consistency, we have no hesitation to accept the appeal. Therefore, the respondents are directed no to deduct the conveyance allowance from the salary of the appellant during summer and winter vacations. The conveyance allowance already deducted should be reimbursed to the appellant forthwith. This Judgment is considered in rem and not in personam and thus the respondents should pay the said allowance to all similarly placed employees of the educational institutions to avoid discrimination under Article 4 & 25 of the Constitution as well as un-necessary litigation.

Further details are available at the copy of the Judgment Sheet Conveyance Allowance during Summer and Winter Vacation FGEI Teachers.


Judgment Sheet Conveyance Allowance during Summer



Judgment Sheet Conveyance Allowance during Summer

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