Wafaqi Mohtsib (Ombudsman)’s Secretariat has issued letter on 06-12-2018 in connection with Timely Finalization Pension Cases of Government Employees- Facilitation Measures for Pensioners. Detail is as under:
Reference to this Secretariat’s earlier letters / correspondences on the subject.
2. It is requested to submit compliance report to this secretariat on the following points by 15-12-2018:
i) Updated list of Focal Person dealing with pension matters may be placed at prominent places of office of Agency & its attached departments and to upload on websites. This information may also be provided to his Secretariat.
ii) Ensure that pension papers of expected retirees are started for preparation before the day of retirement so that the pension may be issued within 30 days after the day of retirement.
iii) Submit the action taken so far on automation for facilitation measures pensioners and to connect with AGPR.
iv) Number of pension cases finalized from January to 31th December, 2018 and what was their average time for competition.
v) Submit regular monthly compliance report on prescribe proforma to this Secretariat regarding disposal and pendency of pension cases.
Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Timely Finalization Pension Cases of Government Employees.