Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued Notification on 17-12-2018 in connection with Transfer Posting during Ban / Lifting of Ban. Summary is as under:
While lifting of ban on transfer/posting vide Notification of the dated 30-10-2018,all Competent Transferring Authorities were declared personally responsible to ensure posting / transfers as per transfer policy 2013 dated 17-04-2013 and the amendments introduced from time to time in the policy ibid. Clear instructions were issued through notification ibid for taking decision with regard to posting / transfers.
Various complaints are being received in this department that in certain cases Transferring Authorities have deviated from criteria laid down in the transfer policy 2013 and the amendments introduced thereafter in the policy ibid.
Further details are available at the copy of the Notification. Special thanks to Mr. Naseer Hiussain and Mr. Zahid Khanfor sensing the copy of the letter of Transfer Posting during Ban / Lifting of Ban.