Government of Balochistan Finance Department has issued Notification on 24-12-2018 in connection with Clarification with Regard to Grant of Medical TA / DA for Non Referral Cases approved through summary in relaxation of Medical Attendance Rules. Detail is as under:
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that it has observed with great concern that most of the Departments often grant Medical T.A / D.A to their employees is non referral cases, based on presumption that the same is being relaxed by the Hon`ble Chief Minister via summary of re-imbursement claim of non referral cases. In this respect, it is to clarified that Non-Referral cases, approved through summary, In relaxation of Medical Attendance Rules is allowed upto the extend of re-imbursement of Medical Charges, which does not include Medical T.A / D.A, which is only admissible in referral cases.
2. It is therefore, advised that no claim of Medical T.A /D.A should be allowed in respect of Non Referral cases, for Indoor Patients in non referral cases, it shall categorically be mentioned that T.A / D.A will also be relaxed by the competent authority i.e. Hon`ble Chief Minister in the respective Non Referral summary. In case if not mentioned it shall be presumed that T.A / D.A in Non Referral case is not being relaxed.
(Note 🙂 Earlier advices (if any) issued by this Department regarding the admissibility of Medical T.A / D.A in non-referral cases may be treated as withdrawn / null & void.
Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Clarification with Regard to Grant of Medical TA / DA for Non Referral Cases approved through summary in relaxation of Medical Attendance Rules.