Admissibility of Special Computer Allowance to Computer Operator / Data Entry Operator

Government of the Punjab Finance Department has issued Notification on 25-10-2018 in connection with Admissibility of Special Computer Allowance to Computer Operator / Data Entry Operator. Detail is as under:

Kindly refer to you letter No.15233/Legis.LHC/2018, dated 03.08.2018, on the subject noted above.

2.     The case has been examined. Lahore High Court, Lahore is advised that Computer Personnel are those employees who are employed on whole time basis on computer work in the Government Departments and other Government Institutions irrespective of the fact whether main frame computer is available or not in their organization. But the said Personal should possess the minimum educational qualification of their Basic Pay Scale wise as described in the policy letter No.FD.SR-1/9/85, dated 22.09.1986 (copy enclosed). Further necessary action may be taken in light of policy letter ibid.       

                Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Admissibility of Special Computer Allowance to Computer Operator / Data Entry Operator.  

Computer Allowance to Computer Operator
See also  20% Judicial Allowance Decision of the Lahore High Court Lahore

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6 thoughts on “Admissibility of Special Computer Allowance to Computer Operator / Data Entry Operator

  1. Assalam-o-Alaikum!
    Is there any notification showing that the computer operators working in BPS15 or below are entitled for Rs. 750/-, whereas the employees working in BPS-16 and above are eligible for Rs. 1500/-.
    I was upgraded from BPS-12 to BPS-16 but I am still allowed the computer allowance @ Rs. 750/- per month. Kindly share the notification if you have. Regards.

  2. Muhammad Faheem Aslam · Edit

    Computer Operator BPS-14 working in Literacy Dept. Govt. of Punjab.
    computer allowance nhi mil rha
    what should I do
    BPS 14 ko kitna allowance milta he ??
    please guide me

  3. Finance Department’s advise is very helpful for other related persons. it is requested to also upload copy of the Policy letter mentioned above vide no. FD.SR-I/9-7/85 dated 22/09/1986. Thanks


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