Office of the Commissioner Rawalpindi Division has issued letter on 29-09-2018 in connection with Upgradation of the Post of Computer Operator and Telephone Operator. Summary is as under:
Kindly refer to the subject noted above.
2. The S&GAD (Regulation Wing) notified the Punjab Revenue Department (Commissioner`s Office) ministerial Service Rules, 2008 vide notification dated 22.1.2008 (Annexure-A) including the post of Computer Operator (BS-14), The above services rules were notified again in the year 2001 by the S&GAD (Regulations Wing) vide Notification No, SOR-III(S&GAD)1-9/20011 dated 02.06.2011 (Annexure-B) wherein the post of Computer Operator (BS-14) was not incorporated along with other ministerial posts.
3. It is further a=submitted that the Finance Department, Punjab has up-graded the scale of different posts in the past. However, the posts of Computer Operator (BS-14) and Telephone Operator (BS-07) have not been up-graded.
Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Upgradation of the Post of Computer Operator and Telephone Operator.