Government of the Sindh, Finance Department has issued approved summary of the Chief Minister of Sindh in connection with Service Structure / Mechanism of Various Isolated Posts of BPS-01 to BPS-04 of Secretariat Staff. Detail is as under:
11. It is submitted that these employees do not have avenues for further elevation due to their less educational qualification; as a result they retire from government service almost in the same scale in which they are initially appointed.
12. Keeping in view the above position, Finance Department endorses the proposal of SGA&CD contained at Para-9 regarding grant of higher grade on the basis of time scale to the employees of SGA&CD and Chief Minister`s Secretariat of BS-1 to BS-4 as under:-
SR.# | Name of Isolated Post | BPS | No. of Service Years required for Higher Grade | Higher Scale |
1 | Driver/Dispatch Rider | 04 | After 05 years After 10 years After 15 years After 20 years After 25 years | BPS-05 BPS-06 BPS-07 BPS-08 BPS-09 |
2 | Qasid / Daftri | 2/3 | After 05 years After 12 years After 20 years | BPS-03 BPS-05 BPS-08 |
3 | Cleaner / Farash / Malhi / Helper / Naib Qasid / Chokidar / Masalchi / Orderly / Valet | 01 | After 05 years After 12 years After 20 years | BPS-03 BPS-05 BPS-08 |
Financial implication of Rs.70.751 Million per annum will be involved into the matter.
13. Honourable chief Minister, Sindh may like to consider approving para-12 above.
Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the summary of Service Structure / Mechanism of Various Isolated Posts of BPS-01 to BPS-04 of Secretariat Staff.