Relief Rehabilitation & Settlement Department has issued Notification on 22-01-2019 in connection with Redesignation CTWO as Computer Operator in Rescue 1122 KPK. Detail is as under:
No.SO(Admin)RR&SD / 6-3 / 2018 /Reg / Vol-II. In pursuance of the minutes / decision taken in the meeting of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Rescue Council held on 03.01.2019 and in consultation with the Finance Department vide letter No. BO-IX / FD / 1-11 / 2018-19 /SNE (F)Rescue 1122/Vol-II/ Relief dated 13.12.2018, the Competent Authority is pleased to notify the following nomenclature of CTWO serving in Emergency Rescue Service (Rescue-1122), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as per detail given below:-
S.No | Existing Nomenclature of Post | New Nomenclature of Post |
1. | Computer Telephone & Wireless Operator (CTWO) | Computer Operator |
Furthermore, these Computer Operators in addition
to their own duties will also work as Rahbers, Telephone / Wireless Operators.
Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Redesignation CTWO as Computer Operator in Rescue 1122 KPK.