Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division has issued Notification on 28-01-2019 in connection with Revision / Amendment in the Recruitment Rules of Islamabad Model Schools / Colleges under FDE, Islamabad. Detail is as under:
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training`s O.M. No.14-10/2011(Education) AEA-III, dated 18th December, 2018 on the above noted subject and to convey the approval of Establishment Division for the enclosed draft Recruitment Rules for the posts in Federal Government Modal Schools/ Collages under Federal Directorate of Education (FDE), Islamabad under Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.
2. The draft Recruitment Rules may be notified after obtaining the concurrence of FPSC and two printed copies of the same may be supplied to this Division for reference and record.