Lahore High Court, Lahore has issued Notification on 19-02-2019 in connection with Unfreez Special Judicial Allowance Admissible Equal to Three Times Initial Basic Pay. Detail is as under:
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-para (ii) of Notification No. JudI.1_X(Home) / 89 dated 08.10.1995 of the Finance Department, Government of Punjab and in compliance with the directions of the National Judicial (policy Making) Committee which mandates to remove the disparity in salaries and allowances of the judicial officers of all the provinces, the Hon`ble Chief Justice is pleased to unfreeze the Special Judicial Allowance admissible equal to three times initial basic pay of the Pay Scales-2008, to all the Judicial Officers of the Punjab Judicial Service and the members of the Lahore High Court Establishment; and allow them to draw Special Judicial Allowance equal to one initial Basic Pay of their respective current Pay Scales plus 50% of running Basic Pay, with effect from 1st March, 2019, stands allowed in the provinces of Sindh and KPK, and in the Islamabad Capital Territory.
2. The expenditure involved will be met from within the allocated budget.
Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan & Mr. Khurram Shehzad for sending the copy of the Notification of Unfreez Special Judicial Allowance Admissible Equal to Three Times Initial Basic Pay.