Government of Sindh, Finance Department has issued letter on 08-02-2019 in connection with request for Awarding Time Scale for the Post of Private Secretary from BPS-17 to BPS-18 in light of circular dated 21-03-2013. Detail is as under:
The Secretary (I&C), Services, General Administration & Coordination Department may kindly refer to Services, General Administration & Cooperation Department’s U.O letter No. SOR-II(S&GAD)5-63/2018 dated 8.10.2018 on the subject noted above and to state that as per Finance Department`s Policy Circular No. FD(SR-IV)2-65/2012 dated 21.03.2013, Private Secretary (BS-17) will continue to remain in BPS-17, but will be granted BPS-18 after putting in 5 five year’s satisfactory service. Private Secretary (BS-18) will further be granted BPS-19 after 12 years’ service in BPS-17 and above with nomenclature of Senior Private Secretary.
2. Service, General Administrative & Condition Department is requested to advise A.D. to frame service structure for the post of Private Secretary (BS-17) so that avenue for their promotion to the post of Private Secretary (BS-18) and onwards could be created accordingly.
Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Shafique for sensing the copy of the letter of request for Awarding Time Scale for the Post of Private Secretary from BPS-17 to BPS-18.