Selling of Bottled Water Extracted from Ground without Any Charge and Its Fitness for Human Consumption

Government of the Punjab, Local Government & Community Development Department has issued letter on 26-02-2019 in connection with Selling of Bottled Water Extracted from Ground without Any Charge and Its Fitness for Human Consumption. Detail is as under:

In pursuance of the direction of the Hon`ble Supreme Court of Pakistan vide Oder dated 06.12.2018 passed in SMC No.26/2018(Regarding Selling of Bottled Water Extracting from the Ground without any change and its fitness for Human Consumption), I am directed to request you to immediate initiate the process for levy of water charge @ Rs.1/- per liter for the extracted water and surface water used for production, processing and bottling by water bottling and beverage companies. The amount so collected by local governments as water charges shall be retained in a separate account.

2.  This may be assigned Top-priority.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Selling of Bottled Water Extracted from Ground without Any Charge and Its Fitness for Human Consumption.

Selling of Bottled Water Extracted from Ground

See also  Notification of Regularization of TEVTA Employees

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