Government of Sindh, Finance Department has issued Notification on 15-02-2019 in connection with Clarification M.Phil Allowance @ 25% of Existing Amount of Ph.D Allowance. Detail is as under:
I am directed to refer to this department`s Policy Circulars of even number, dated 19-08-2016 & 26-01-2017, on the subject cited above.
2. it is once again clarify that the said Policy Circular, dated 19.08.2016 has explicitly defined that all those who acquire / possess the degree of M.Phil recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) will be allowed M.Phil Allowance @ 25% of the existing amount of Ph.D Allowance @ (i.e. Rs.25,00/- per month). Other degree or qualification, whether having an H.E.C. equivalence or not, is not admissible for the allowance.
3. Administrative Departments are advised not to forward to this department cases of those employees who possess the degree or qualification other than Master of Philosophy.
By: Mr. Zahid Khan

really it is totally injustice. while HEC had already clarified about the similarity in MS /Mphil also they mention on their Equivalance and also in Muhammad Ismail HEC Quality assurance division Consultant clarified in his letter dated 23rd may 2017, but except that all follow the word M/phil above commenters are right our whole system is run by matric pass clerks
I think, how stupid this is?MS/M.PHIL is same degree and its clarified by the HEC. These Matric and Inter pass clerical administration does not know the similarity between them.Some people will to move to the court for justice and there is 100% chance that court will favor the employees.
That is an absolute injustice for the people who possess equivalent qualifications like M.S, M.E, L.L.M etc.