Labour / Low Paid Employees Sponsored by Public Sector Organization Entities for Hajj 2019

Pakistan Post, Office of the Director General Pakistan Post has issued Notification on 15-03-2019 in connection with Labour / Low Paid Employees Sponsored by Public Sector Organization Entities for Hajj 2019. Detail is as under:

Kindly find enclosed herewith a copy of Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony`s letter No. 1(7)/2019-HP dated 20-02-2019 received through Ministry of Postal Services on the subject cited above.

2.   You are requested to nominate ten (10) names from the officials of BPS. 1-4 (Liveried staff) of your circular through fair Draw/Balloting and furnish their names to this office enabling to include their names in the centralized Draw/Balloting in the Dte-General for the Government Hajj scheme.

3.   Please take notice that the required ten names of the officials succeeded in the draw/balloting at your circular must be received to this office within 03-days positively Your nominations alongwith applications on prescribed proforma (Copy enclosed) complete in all respects should reach to this office by March 20th Positively. Otherwise your such nominations won`t be entertained for final balloting and processing at this Dte-General.    

This is most urgent.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Labour / Low Paid Employees Sponsored by Public Sector Organization Entities for Hajj 2019.

Low Paid Employees Sponsored by Public Sector Organization Entities for Hajj 2019
See also  Admissibility Time Scale Personal Upgradation to Retired Employees

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One thought on “Labour / Low Paid Employees Sponsored by Public Sector Organization Entities for Hajj 2019

  1. Salam,
    I will be very grateful to Mr. Zahid if you provide soft copy of this Letter.
    Letter no is as follows:
    SO (APLS-III) SGA CD/DAP-38/2019 dated: 11th February, 2019, Subject: observe 5% disabled Quota.


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