Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification on 25-03-2019 in connection with Revision of Special Judicial Allowance Equal to Three Times Initial Basic Pay. Detail is as under:
I am directed to refer to you letter No.PR-X/LHC/2018-19/HM-397, dated 21st March, 2019, on the subject cited above, and convey that in relaxation of Finance Department`s letter No.FD.PC.201/2001 dated 11-07-2011, dated 11-07-2011, provisional sanction is allowed to unfreeze the Special Judicial Allowance admissible equal to three time initial Basic Pay of the Pay scales-2008 to all judicial Officers of the Punjab Judicial Service and Lahore High Court Establishment and allow them to draw Special Judicial Allowance equal to One Initial Basic Pay of their respective current Pay Scales plus 50% of running basic pay with effect from 1st March, 2019. This provisional sanction is subject to the recommendations of the Committee constituted in the matter and formal of the Competent Authority.
Special Thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Revision of Special Judicial Allowance Equal to Three Times Initial Basic Pay.