Office of the Managing Director (PEPCO) WAPDA House has issued letter on 28-03-2019 in connection with Time Scale Upgradation of Drivers as One Time Dispensation. Detail is as under:
- It is informed that PEPCO vide of order No. GM(UR)/HAD/A-332/2525-55 dated 17.10.2011 has allowed two steps Time Scale upgradation to all Employees of all Cadres in BPS-05 to 14 @ 30% of sanctioned posts, having at least 10 years service against the post, passed Departmental Promotion Examination and Mandatory Training through respective selection Board.
- PEPCO vide O.M. No. GM(HR)HRD/A-548/1501-1526 dated 28.08.2018 has allowed post upgradation of Drivers from BPS-06 to BPS-08 for LTV Licence holders and from BPS-07 to BPS-09 for HTV Licence holders. The Driver who were already working in BPS-09 could not get any benefit out of above post upgradation. They have requested to allow them BPS-11 as one time dispensation, on the analogy of benefit granted to other Ministerial/Line staff.
Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Time Scale Upgradation of Drivers as One Time Dispensation.