Ban on Government College Teachers to Work / Teach in Private Academies / Institutions / Coaching Centers during College Working Hours

Government of Sindh, Directorate of College Education, Hyderabad Region Hyderabad has issued Notification on 29-03-2019 in connection with Ban on Government College Teachers to Work / Teach in Private Academies / Institutions / Coaching Centers during College Working Hours. Detail is as under:

The higher authority College Education Department received multiple reports/ complaints that, Government Collage Teachers are working in private academies / instructions / coaching centers during the college working hours. Therefore, higher authority has banned to all Government College Teachers to work / teach at above mentioned during college working hours. Moreover, higher authority has prohibited on displaying of any type of advertisement banner of private academies / instructions / coaching centers inside & outside of the Government college premises along-with the name of Government College Teachers.

You are therefore directed to ensure the compliance of the above instructions & letter & spirit.

BY: Mr. Zahid Khan

Ban on Government College Teachers to Work
See also  Notification of Smog Issue-Ban on Burning of Crop Residues, Wastes, Tyres, Plastic Bags etc

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