Grant of Advance Increments (Finance Department Punjab)

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Letter on 04-04-2019 in connection with Grant of Advance Increments. Detail is as under:

                    Kindly refer to the letter No.Reg:3-3/2019-1445 dated 01-03-2019 on the subject cited above.

2.   Copies of the notifications and judgment mentioned in order dated 22-07-2014 are hereby enclosed for examination/ advice.

3.   Finance Department has already clarified that the case of the petitioner is not at par with the other employees mentioned in the Orders dated 22.07.2014, as the same were issued to the extend of petitioners / appellants only. As for as Judgment of Punjab Services Tribunal in Appeals No.1545-1549/2010 upheld by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in Civil Petitions No.16 to 20L/2011 is concerned, Finance Department was not respondent at any stage in the instant case. Hence, Finance Department, being custodian of policy of advance increments, could not place its view point before custodian of policy of advance increments, could not place its view point before the Court. Furthermore, Finance Department vide letter dated 22-12-2014 (copy enclosed) had requested School Education Department to recall/ Withdraw its order dated 07-06-2014 7 15-09-2014.   

Special Thanks to: Mr. Zahid Khan

Grant of Advance Increments
See also  Chart of Salary of Newly Appointed Employee in 2019-20 Federal and Provinces

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One thought on “Grant of Advance Increments (Finance Department Punjab)

  1. The Government of the Punjab is requested to restore the advance increments on higher qualification which were stopped by the past dictator government.


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