Government of Gilgit-Baltistan has issued Notification on 24-04-2019 in connection with Upgradation of Posts Constables and ASIs in Home & Prisons Department Gilgit-Baltistan. Detail is as under:
No. 5(6)2019-Estt-IV-Services. In pursuance of Gilgit-Baltistan Cabinet decision taken in its 15th meeting held on 8th March, 2019 and concurrence of Finance Division (PF Wing) Islamabad vide letter No. F.6(14) PF-II-/2018-19/191 date 23rd April, 2019, conveyed vide finance Department letter No, Fing-Reg-1(36)/2018, dated 24th April, 2019 the following posts in Home and Prisons Department Gilgit-Baltistan are hereby up-graded with effect from 1st April, 2019.
By: Mr. Zahid Khan