Approval of Payment Bonus on Eid-ul-Fitr 2019 to NTDC Employees

National Transmission & Despatch Company Limited has issued Notification on 13-05-2019 in connection with Approval of Payment Bonus on Eid-ul-Fitr 2019 to NTDC Employees. Detail is as under:

Board of Directors of National Transmission & Despatch Company Limited (NTDC) through Resolution by Circulation No. 376 resolved and approved the grant of Eid Bonus as per following entitlement criteria:

  1. All NTDC employees (BPS-5 to 20) including contract and contingent employees would be entitled for one month`s running basic pay.
  2. Low Paid NTDC employees (BOS-1 to 4) including contract and contingent employees would be entitled for one and held month`s running basic pay.
  3. The package-based employees would be entitled to the bonus as per the PEPCO Office Order No, GM(HR)/HRD/A-362/935-54 dated 09.08.2010 adopted by Board of Directors NTDC.
  4.    The daily wager employees (BPS-1 to 4) would be entitled to get bonus equal to one & half of maximum basic pay, whereas the employees (BPS-5 and above) would be entitled to get one maximum running basic pay of the respective pay scales.
  • All the aforesaid employees who are on the payroll of NTDC must have six months service at their belt for grant of Eid Bonus.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan & Abdul Wasay Korejo for sending the copy of the Approval of Payment Bonus on Eid-ul-Fitr 2019 to NTDC Employees.

Payment Bonus on Eid-ul-Fitr 2019
See also  Notification of Promotion Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) & DMs as SST (BPS-17)

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