Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Authority (PEIRA) has issued Notification on 13-05-2019 in connection with Private Schools Summer Vacations Schedule 2019. Detail is as under:
In pursuance of powers conferred under Section 5(1)(1) of Islamabad Capital Territory Private Educational Institutions (Registration & Regulation) Act, 2013 all Private Educational institutions (Private Schools / Colleges) of Islamabad Capital shall remain closed from Monday, 3rd June, 2019 till Friday, 16th August, 2019 (Both day Inclusive).
2. All Private Educational Instructed (Private schools / colleges) are instructed to ensure compliance.

please suggest where to write complaint about Rawalpindi private school
GOVT announced summer holidays till august but here school are opening from monday 17th june 2019
just to earn the fee
Concerned Education Officer.
wajid please send the address of your school so we can solve your problem.
the educators al fareed campus pakpattan is open and exam start