Promotion Primary School Teachers as Elementary School Teachers in Punjab

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued Notification on 21-05-2019 in connection with Promotion Primary School Teachers as Elementary School Teachers in Punjab. Detail is as under:

                  I am directed to refer the subject citied above.

2.              I am further directed to state that complaint are being received  from teacher  that for promotion against the post of Elementary School Teachers, seniority lists are not being prepared in accordance with Punjab School Education Department (School Education) Service Rule. 2014.

3.             In some of the Districts, seniority lists for promotion against the posts of ESTs are prepared separately for category of EST (Sci), EST (Math), EST (Urdu), EST (Eng) and EST (General) and in some districts two seniority list are prepared i.e. one for EST (Sci-Math) and one for EST (Arts)    This discrimination has created an awkward situation in the districts and also unrest amongst the teachers.

4.                As per Punjab School Education   Department (School education) Service Rules, 2014, the post of the Elementary School Teacher is to be filled as under:-

 i- 50%  by initial recruitment

(a)      60% for the posts of EST (Science and Math)

(b)    40% for the posts of EST (Arts) and

ii.        50% by promotion on the basis of seniority cum fitness

  • 60%   for the posts of EST (Arts) and
  • 40%   for the posts of EST (Science and Math) from amongst Primary School Teacher.

5.                 In view of above, it is clarified that two seniority lists are required to be prepared under the Rules ibid, one for the post of EST (Sci-Math)  and one foe the post of EST (Arts).

See also  Non Filing of Income Tax Returns by Civil Servants Working in Various Ministries/Divisions/Attached Departments etc

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Promotion Primary School Teachers as Elementary School Teachers in Punjab.

Promotion Primary School Teachers

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