Government of Sindh, Finance Department has Notification on 27-05-2019 in connection with Clarification Regarding Upgradation Stenographer, Reader, Cashier, Driver, Naib Qasid etc. Summary is as under:
Clarification Regarding Upgradation Stenographer etc- Extension of the Benefit of Upgradation of the Posts of Anti-Terrorism Courts of Sindh & Registrar Office Special Courts STA/ATA
The Secretary to Govt. of Sindh, Home Department, Karachi may kindly refer to Home Department`s letter No. REG(HD)/2/578/18 dated 08.05.2019 on the subject cited above.
2. In compliance with the directives given by Honourable High Court of Sindh, Karachi vide letter No.GAZ/UG/ATC/2019 dated 27.02.2019 received from Law Department vide letter No. SJDL:4-1/2000(Pt-IV)/153 dated 6.3.2019, the benefit of up-gradation is hereby extended to the following posts of Anti-Terrorism Courts of Sindh & Registrar Office Special Courts STA/ATA, being part of the :sub-Ordinate Courts” as per Finance Department’s advice of even number dated 21.02.2018.