Government of Sindh, Services, General Administration & Coordination Department (Regulation Wing) has issued Notification on 21-03-2019 in connection with Clarification BPS-16 as Gazetted in Class-II. Detail is as under:
The Secretary to Government of Sindh, Finance Department may kindly refer to his Department`s letter No. FD(SR-II)2-65/2012, dated 27-02-2019, on the subject cited above.
2. The Regulation Wing, SGA&CD has examined the subject case in consultation with the Law Department and the advice tendered by the later is reproduced verbatim, hereunder:-
“This Department has examined the matter and endorses the views expressed by Regulation Wing in the matter.”
3. The views of the Regulation Wing are reproduced as under:-
“Rule-7 of Sindh Civil Servants (Change in Nomenclature of Services And Abolition of Classes Rules, 1974) clearly shows that the post BPS-16 is Gazetted post in Class-II,”