Notification of FIR against Teacher Who Involves Corporal Punishment

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued Notification on 10-06-2019 in connection with Notification of FIR against Teacher Who Involves Corporal Punishment. Detail is as under:

                I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that the Authority has taken the matter seriously and declared that the corporal punishment is criminal offense which should be treated with iron hands.

                I am further directed to request you to lodge an FIR against the teacher / head teacher who involves in corporal punishment through the parents of the inflicted student and follow up the case personally. Moreover, if the charges stand proved against a teacher / head teacher then his / her case may be forwarded to the Competent Authority along with police report for initiation of disciplinary proceedings under PEEDA Act 2005.

                It should be treated most urgent and implemented the same with letter and spirit.

                Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sensing the copy of the Notification of FIR against Teacher Who Involves Corporal Punishment.

FIR against Teacher
See also  Notification of Enhancement Stipend Nurse Students Sindh Government

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