Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Interior has issued Office Memorandum Regarding Upgradation of Ministerial Posts (Head Clerk Posts) on 12-06-2019. Summary is as under:
The undersigned is directed to refer to Finance Division (Regulations Wing) O.M No.1(2)R-I/2018 dated 29th May, 2019 on the subject cited above.
2. Initially, the subject case was taken up by this Ministry with Establishment Division (Regulations Wing) for up-gradation of Head Clerk posts from BS-10 to BS-14, Accordingly Establishment Division (MS Wing) vide O.M No.F.5(14)/2017-MSW-III dated 22nd February, 2018 (Annex-I) has up-graded the post from BS-10 to BS-14 subject to fulfillment of all procedural & codal formalities and approval of the Regulation Wings of Establishment and Finance Divisions, Similarly, Establishment Division (Regulations Wing) was also up-graded the post from BS-10 to BS-14 O.M No.8/14/3016-R-6(Pt-I) dated 16th May, 2018 (Annex-II).
Further details are available at the copy of the Office Memorandum Regarding Upgradation of Ministerial Posts (Head Clerk Posts).