Notification of Grade 1-5 Recruitment through Balloting

Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division has issued Notification No. F.No.3/2/2017-R-II dated 17-06-2019 in connection with Grade 1-5 Recruitment through Balloting (recruitment of employees of BPS-01 to BPS-06 through balloting). Detail is as under:

(BPS-01 to BPS-05) Grade 1-5 Recruitment through Balloting

S.R.O. 634(I)/2019- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of section 25 of the Civil Servants Act, 1973 (LXXI of 1973) read with Notification No.S.R.O.120(1)/98, dated the 27th February, 1998, the Prime Minister is pleased to direct that the following further amendments shall be made in the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and transfer) Rules, 1973, namely:-

In the aforesaid Rules:-

  • In rule 14, in clause (ii), for the expression “3 to 15” the expression “6 to 15” shall be substituted;
  • In rule 15,- For the expression “3 to 15” the expression “6 to 15” shall be substituted; and
  • After the word “concerned”, the words “strictly in accordance with the provisions contained in the recruitment rules of the post concerned” shall be inserted; and 
  • In rule 16,-
  • For the expression “1 to 2” the expression “1 to 5” shall be substituted; and
  • After the word “basis”, the words through balloting” shall be inserted.

Special thanks to Mr. Safdar Hussain for sending the copy of the Notification of Grade 1-5 Recruitment through Balloting.

Grade 1-5 Recruitment through Balloting
See also  Notification of Advance Salary Punjab Govt on the Occasion of Eid-ul-Azha 2017

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4 thoughts on “Notification of Grade 1-5 Recruitment through Balloting

  1. The recruitment shall be made in accordance with the recruitment Policy conveyed by Establishment Division vide O.Ms dated 22.10.2014 and 53/1/2008-SP dated 06.05.2020 as amended from time to time and for appointment in BPS-01 to BS-05 vide Notification dated 11.03.2020.

    Kindly, i want this notification


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