Government of the Punjab, Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department has issued Notification on 24-06-2019 in connection with Medical Treatment Facilities for Retired Government Servants. Detail is as under:
I am directed to refer the subject noted above and to state that the office of Hon`ble Minister for Health, Punjab, has received complaints regarding difficulties faced by the retired Government servants in getting their medical treatment at public sector hospitals in Punjab. The Competent Authority has shown a serious concern and has directed to facilities all the retired Government servants either gazette or non-gazetted, at the public sector hospitals for getting medical treatment of their aliments.
2. I am further directed to request that all the retired government servants who had served the country with zeal and zest, may be provided medical treatment facilities on top priority basis. Futhermore, these retired Government servants may be provided fee of cost medicines available from the hospital pharmacies as per their entitlement. In vase of any complaints / non-compliance of the above directions of Hon`ble Minister for Health, Punjab, strict disciplinary action shall be taken against the responsible.
Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan & Mr. Shah Zarghun for sending the copy of the Notification Regarding Medical Treatment Facilities for Retired Government Servants.

If one facility like dialysis is not available in designated hospital. Then do we get reimbursement of the same or not.
Then the concerned hospital will refer to nearest Hospital.