Notification of Redesignation & Upgradation Computer Operator as Senior Computer Operators has been issued by Office of the District & Sessions Judge Mandi Bahauddin on 26-06-2019. Detail is as under:
In pursuance of the Government of the Punjab, Fianace Department Lahore Notification No. FD.PC.40-43/2017(E) dated 14.12.2018, the post of Computer Operator has been up-graded and re-designated as Senior Computer Operator (BPS-16), w.e.f. 14.12.2018, as such, the designation and pay scale of the following Computer Operator working at Civil & Sessions Courts, Mandi bahauddin are hereby upgraded in this regard.
Special thanks to Mr. Saqab Mahmood for sending the copy of the Notification of Redesignation & Upgradation Computer Operator as Senior Computer Operators.