Notification of Flood Alert / Weather (13th July to 19th July 2019)

Notification of Flood Alert / Weather (13th July to 19th July 2019) has been issued on 12-07-2019 by Provincial Disaster Management Authority Punjab. Detail is as under:

National Disaster Management Authority, Islamabad vide letter F.2(E)/2019 – NDMA (MW/Flood Alert-I), Dated 12th July, 2019 has informed that Pakistan Metrological Department has issued me alert rainfall of Moderate to heavy intensity with one or two years Heavy falls is likely over the upper catchments of all the Major Rivers along with Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Lahore, Faisalabad & Sargodha Divisions. Moderate rainfall with one  two Heavy falls is also expected over DG Khan Divisions. Sharp Peaks of Higher Flood are excepted Upstream of Mangla, Low to Medium level flooding is also excepted in the Nullahs of Rivers Ravi (Hasri, Bein, Basanter, Ujh, Jhajri, Kather & Deg) & Chenab (Palku, Aik & Bhimber) along with Hill Torrents of DG Khan Division, Urban Flooding is excepted in Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Gujranwala & Lahore Districts.

  1. It is requested that all-concerned maybe informed to take necessary precautionary measures in vulnerable areas to avoid any loss of life/damage to Public as well as private property under intimation to PDMA, Punjab.

By: Rana Jamil Arif


Notification of Flood Alert


Rain Flood Alert


See also  Notification Eid-ul-Azha Holidays 2022 Punjab

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