Apartments for Rent –Tips for Choosing Housing

I am today sharing the detailed article on the topic of Apartments for Rent –Tips for Choosing Housing. I hope you would really like it and will be benefited from it in your daily life. Detail is as under:

Tips for Choosing Housing or Apartments for Rent


The first stage is viewing the proposed apartment. When buyers with the help of a realtor, either through the Internet or through a friend, find the most appropriate options and go to the viewing. Of course, many factors play an important role here – whether you like the current tenants, whether the cost, the size of the apartment, the number of rooms suit you. Suppose that all of the above suits you, what else is worth paying attention to?

If you have children, find out if there is a school or a kindergarten nearby, again, an additional advantage will be the presence of a bus stop and a supermarket not far from home. If you have a car, then a gas station on the way from home to work will not be superfluous either.

In addition, ask about the condition of the wiring, pipes, plumbing, whether the roof is flowing and similar important nuances so that you will not be waited for by unpleasant surprises soon after the move. It is even better to go through the neighbors so that later it does not turn out that you will live in the same staircase with alcoholics, drug addicts, and criminals.

When you finally stop at a particular apartment, ask if the current owners are planning to bring out the furniture or these concerns will fall on your shoulders.

And of course, be vigilant when signing various kinds of documents and during transactions, so as not to contact some fraudsters by negligence.

Rent an Apartment through a Private Realtor or Real Estate Agency

His blood is always difficult to transfer to someone, albeit in temporary use. It seems that no one knows better than you how to tell about your apartment correctly and how to attract a future tenant. Oh, believe me, I’m the same. In general, I always know everything best of all (everyone is sinful, right?).

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How I Rented an Apartment in Szao


Almost a year ago I urgently needed to move. It so happened that the selected area was more convenient in all senses and more suited to my “post-New Year plans”. And so, reluctantly at the family council decided – to be moving.

It was necessary to move from Tustin to Stroking: closer to the parents, for the child – the training program is better, in general, everyone has his own goals, but everyone has similar goals. I was horrified to imagine that I would have to rent an apartment, especially the past tenants, I recalled with a nervous smile and hand tremor. The spouse, wanting to keep my mental balance, suggested that no one should rent an apartment, they say, and that’s enough for everything. Inspired by the bright “tomorrow”, in 3 days we became full-fledged Strogetseans.

And if… to pass?

After a couple of months, my mother cautiously started a conversation about an empty apartment in Tustin. Of course, so far our family really had enough finances, but why is this kind of passive income bad? Yes, strangers live, yes, not everyone is careful, but repair was somehow in the plans. I resisted, but common sense was adamant: real estate should “work”, moreover, suddenly it would help someone, and how did the option in Stroking help me in due time? It remains to choose how to rent an apartment. Did you know the world best home rent service in Malaysia? Check this

You can try to hand over yourself, there are a lot of advertising sites (it is appropriate to say about the king of real estate, etc.);

Contact a private realtor (a familiar friend of a friend of friends);

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Conclude an agreement with a real estate agency for the provision of services for the sale of my apartment.

And let me

I had plenty of free time, the more I “can” (aha, how) write good selling texts. Mastering advertising platforms is a simple matter, and I firmly believed in the success of the idea. It took me 2 months to understand that something was wrong with me (or with the apartment?). Some strange people called / came, bargained (and I even agreed sometimes!) And … disappeared. I infinitely adjusted the price, photos, description, but nothing happened. In the end, I’m just tired of wasting time and effort more than necessary. This is a story about how I did not become a broker myself.


Apartments for Rent


Private Realtor

CR Svetlana seemed to me a wonderful, life-affirming girl. She knew what she wanted and clearly understood what I want. Fortunately, our desires coincided. The approach was the most personal — we coordinated every detail of the announcement and looked forward to a happy ending. Seta had her own customer base, a lot of calls and shows. In the evenings every day we discussed how promising Nicolay was with his wife (Eugene with Lyudmila, Valery with Elena and son Maxim, Peter looking for an apartment for an elderly mother – underline it) . Here are just a happy result did not work.

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About the Apartment

It was worth making this edit higher, but now it has already asked for itself. No, there is no “grandmother’s” repair in our apartment, only the Yugoslav wall is sinful (but they were honestly ready to change at the first tenant’s request!)

They wanted 40 thousand rubles / month.

We spent 3 unforgettable months of endless promises with Seta that “we are about to prepare a contract”, and we parted sadly: removed”.

Heavy Artillery – Real Estate Agency

The decision to agree to such a format of cooperation was very hard for me and my husband. In my understanding, NAs are dozens of greedy Svetlana, who are just waiting for me to cheat, and it is not clear who can rent an apartment, just to get the cherished percentage and disappear from the horizon.

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Having learned from experience, I was biased (may these understanding guys forgive me!) , Chose a long and a little bit of evil, apparently, from despair. An internal skeptic designated agents for up to a month, and expressing my phi in advance, I signed the contract. So began a great friendship.

Polite girl Alain phoned me for half an hour and told me that she is a personal broker responsible for my apartment. We met, filmed our 56 sq., and discussed the price, neighbors, criteria for selecting tenants, sorting (!) Photos, and even filmed a video. By the way, my “irregularly shaped” loggia, as the Czech Republic expressed it, acted as an advantage in Alana’s eyes. We drank coffee and parted for a while.

The first show was the same evening. When Alcona brought the trophy act of viewing, it seemed to me that the “personal approach” was not just a collection of words. There was a feeling that the girl rents her apartment. We spent another 3 days on dialing up clients and screenings (for some I was “suddenly” present on my own, which didn’t bother the broker at all). A week later, I happily signed an agreement in advance prepared by Alana about renting an apartment in Tustin.

My tenants were 2 young students from Tyumen. And no matter how terrible it may seem to me at the very beginning of my journey, they are absolutely trouble-free (yes, I sometimes call my neighbors, but they have nothing to complain about).Any current issues, whether the timing of payment or replacement of a broken sofa, we still solve through Alain. And yes, it was her good will, which significantly saves my time and nerves.

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