Notification of Prohibition Burning Heads and Feet of Sacrificial Animals on Public Places

Government of the Punjab, Home Department has issued Notification No.So(IS.II)1-1/2004 on 30-07-2019 in connection with Prohibition Burning Heads and Feet of Sacrificial Animals on Public Places. Detail is as under:

Prohibition Burning Heads and Feet of Sacrificial Animals on Roads, Streets and other Public Places


WHEREAS.  It has been reported that during Eid-ul-Azha, various persons sit on road side and start parching/roasting heads and feel of scarified animals which emits anomalous smell and same is not injurious to public health but also source of nuisance, creating resentment among general public. Such situation is likely to disturb public peace and tranquility, giving rise to a grave situation within the Province of Punjab.

AND WHEREAS, there are sufficient grounds to proceed under Section 144 of the code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, as on immediate prevention and speedy remedy in the matter and direction, hereinafter appearing, are necessary ro prevent disturbance of public peace and danger to human life within the territorial limits of Province of Punjab.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Syed Ali Murtaza, Additional Chief Secretary (Home) to Government of the Punjab, Home Department in exercise of powers vested in me under Section 144(6) of the code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, do hereby prohibit the following action in the whole Province of Punjab.

“Burning of heads and feel of sacrificial animals on Public Places, open places, roads and streets in Province of Punjab”.

This order shall remain in force in the Province of Punjab from 11th to 18th  August, 2019 unless modified.

See also  Notification of Local Holiday Lahore & Jhang on 24th March 2018

This order shall be given wide publicity in the Official Gazette and print & electronic media as news item.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Hussain for sending the copy of the Notification of Prohibition Burning Heads and Feet of Sacrificial Animals on Public Places, Streets, Open Places and Roads issued by the Home Department of Punjab on 30-07-2019.

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Heads and Feet of Sacrificial Animals

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