I am sharing here the complete Detail of Premature Increment, Annual Increment and Next Above to Government Employees. It is granted to the employees on their promotion and up-gradation from lower to higher scale and promotion within same scale.
Detail of Premature Increment, Annual Increment and Next Above
Before proceeding further on the topic, let’s discuss the difference between Premature Increment and Annual Increment that is granted to the employees on various occasions.
Difference between Premature Increment and Annual Increment
Some people consider that Premature Increment and Annual Increment are same. Amount of these in a particular scale is same but these are two different things.
Annual Increment
Annual increment is the amount equal to difference of two consecutive stages in a particular pay scale. It is granted to every employee on 1st December of each year. If the employee has a service of 6 months or more in a particular scale on 1st December, he is eligible for the annual increment of that year.
The example of that is that if employee joins a particular scale on 1st June (Forenoon) or before he is eligible for the annual increment. If he joins after 1st June, he is not eligible for the annual increment.
If an employee is on extra ordinary leave (Leave without pay) upto 1st December since more than 6 months he is not eligible for Annual Increment of that year. For example if the EOL of an employee starts before 1st June and remains upto 1st December. He will not be granted annual increment. Suppose his EOL is from 1st July 2018 to 31st December 2018 or to any month of next year. He will be eligible for the annual increment of 2018 as he has completed 6 months service in that year.
On the basis of disciplinary cases annual increment of an employee can be withdrawn.
Premature Increment
It is different from Annual Increment. Its amount in a particular scale is equal to the annual increment as it is also the difference of two consecutive stages of a particular pay scale. Instead of granting on 1st December, it can be granted at any time of the year on the promotion, upgradation or re-appointment of an employee. Some conditions of this increment are as under:
Premature Increment on Promotion
If an employee is promoted from lower to higher scale or his/her promotion in the same scale, premature increment is granted to the employee.
Premature Increment on Up-gradation of the Post
This Increment on the upgradation of post is also granted but it is not granted in all the provinces of Pakistan upto August 2019. May be in later stage it will be implemented all over Pakistan.
Premature Increment on re-appointment
Let’s an employee applies through proper channel and is reappointed to another post in the same department or other. He is eligible for this increment. I have already published an article regarding Premature Increment on re-appointment from lower to higher scale.
When Premature Increment is not granted?
Some people believe that this increment is compulsory on promotion, up-gradation or re-appointment. No it is not so. In some cases it is not granted to the employee on his promotion, up-gradation or re-appointment. Example is as under:
Suppose an employee of BPS-05 at his /her 2nd stage (Rs.9430/-) according to revised pay scale chart 2017, is upgraded to BPS-10 then his pay will be fixed at his 1st stage of BPS-10 (Rs. 10180/-). He is not eligible for the premature increment as the difference of the two stages of BPS-05 and BPS-10 in this case is more than the annual increment of BPS-10 (10180 – 9430 = 750/-). In this case difference is 750/- and Annual Increment of BPS-10 is 670/- .
Next Above on Promotion, Re-Appointment and Upgradation
There is another term “Next Above”. It is the right of an employee to get Next Above on his /her Promotion, Re-Appointment or Upgradation. It may or may not be equal to Annual Increment or Premature Increment.
- For example an employee of BPS-05 at 11th Stage (Rs.13210) of his pay scale is promoted to BPS-07, then Rs. 13300/- will be his /her next above stage and his pay will be fixed Rs. 13810/- by adding one premature increment Rs. 510/- to 13300/-.
- Suppose an employee of BPS-05 at his/her 11th Stage is promoted in the same scale. i.e from BPS-05 to BPS-05 (In particular cases). Then 13630/- will be his next above and after adding premature increment Rs. 420/-. His pay will be fixed Rs. 14050/-. It means on promotion within same scale an employee gets two increments. One is Next Above and other Premature Increment. You can also get help from the earlier published article ” How to Fix Pay” that will really guide you in this regard.
I tried my best to cover the Complete Detail of Premature Increment to the employees. However further amendment / correction/suggestion in this article is most welcomed.
Asslam o Allaikum
Me Federal Department me Tha as a Photographer (BPS 13 )
Phr Sindh Government ne Teachers Ke Job Announcement ke the BPS 14 Ke Jis me Mene Through Proper Apply Kiya tha Me Select Ho Gaya Tu Mene Joining Karde ab mere Federal Department me Basic Pay the 25840 aur phr Education department Sindh me Clarik Ne Fix ke 26010 pe
Mera Sawal he Kia Me Premature Increament ke Liye Eligible Hoon?
Please Koi Notifications ya rules Batai Take me premature Increament le Sako.
Agar donon pay ka difference annual increment sey kam hay to premarure milay gi.
Aoa kindly guide me that additional secretaries and professor in BPS 21 are granted bps 22 as maritotious
Is premature increment admissible in such cases
PST Post upgraded from bps 09 to bps 14 from 14 July 2022.
Can option and premature increment both can be on pay fixation, (26190/= current basic pay at bps 09)
Assalam o Alaikum,
Sir If one person is upgraded in initial basic pay stage. i.e UDC 11th scale to 13th scale and has service less than a month.
Will he get pre-mature increment or not.
i.e Either his pay wiil changefrom 18650 to 21160 or 22720
Other people having service less than three years (criteria for premature in case of upgradation) are getting pre-mature from the department.
As the difference of the pay of lower and higher pay scale is more than the annual increment of higher pay scale, so he is not eligible for the premature increment5.
What about LDC from 9th scale to 11th scale (2nd stage)
i.e 19650 to 21270 or 22580?
AoA, I joined Federal Govt on 1st June 2021 (Moring time), and did not get annual increment. However my six month service was also completed.
Was I eligible for annual increment or not?
If yes kindly proved me reference
You are 100% eligible for annual increment 2021. You have completed 6 months service.
In cases
“where the employee is already at the maximum of the scale, he may
be allowed the number of advance increments beyond the maximum
of the scale as personal pay to be absorbed at the time of his move
over / promotion.”
kindly explain please
Agar koi akhri stage per pay lay raha ho aour usay promotion etc mil jai to usay Personal Pay milay gey jo keh aik increment kay brabar hoti hay aour har saal milti rahay hi jab bhi annual increment lagay ka waqt hoga.
i was in BPS-17 and promoted /appointed in BPS-18 on higher qualification in 2005, how many increment was due at that time.
I want to discuss some other issues regarding pay fixation would you like to share me your contact no.
my whatsapp no. is 03335170712
sir agr husband and wife duno same station per employee hain tu kiya husband apne medical book par mrs ka koi bhi claim avail kr skta hai aur another hand mrs cash medical allowance bhi le rahe hai kindly reply me plzzzzz
Ex-Employee has been allowed Two excess increments one while fixating his 2 advance increment on 1.6.1991 with rate of 6.7.1991 and promoted on 6.7.1991 and other one allowed as annual increment on 1.12.1991 having less than 6 month service period (the recoveries will be effect till his retirement) and how many years will be effected kindly answer me
An employee was terminated from service from1997 to 2001 as District Incharge (BPS-15). Hereinstated in to service in 2001 and intervening period has been regularized as EOL.. In 1998 department up-grade the post of District Incharge in BPS-16. You are requested to clarify whether he is entitled for pre-mature increment on up-gradation on re-fixing of pay on re-instatement or not.
Sorry not sure in this situation as he will also not get the other annual increments. I think but not sure, he will not get the premature increment.
AOA sir men 1/3/23 bps 14 sy bps 15 men promote how meri basic pay 43410 h ab fixation k bad basic kitni hogi
You have to mention all details of previous scale with dates.
24/6/2010 bps 12
27/11/18 through proper appointment in bps 14
1/3/23 promote in bps 15 now basic pay is 43410 waiting for fixation
45700/- will be ur new basic pay in BPS-15.
Dear Galaxy World Representative,
An initial appointment made on 30 June 2022 of an employee in KPK, shall he/she serve for 18 months to get their first increment in Dec 2024 or is there any rule/policy in which the first increment shall be applicable to him/her.
He/she will get an annual increment only on 1st Dec 2023.
In Sindh
14 July 2023
PST basic Pay 25100
Then Joined JEST on 15 July 2022
What was Basic in December 2022
Please Guide
Next above
Salam. In sindh gov we are upgraded from 12 to 16(computer operator to senior computer operator). And we got premature increment. After 3 years in 16 we again upgraded from 16 to 17(sco to senior data processing officer). Are we eligible for premature increment pr not.
2nd question what will be our medical allowance. In 16 wo got same MA that was in 12 i.e 1375. Caan you guide us what will be my basic and medical allowance in 17 grade. My current basic in 16 grade is 43890. Kindly Msg here. or mail me. Thanks
You are eligible for premature increment and you will get a medical allowance of nearly 1850/- exact calculation of the same you can do by taking 15% of the initial of BPS-17 of 2008 pay scales and then taking 25% of the result.
Sir i was appointed pst bps14 in seld on 17 may and on 23th nov i joind jest bps 14 in same department then can i get annual increment
If regular appointments are on both sides, then you can check the benefit of using an option.
Sir i don’t understand what you are saying
Just tell me i am elligible for annual increment or not
Both are regular just tell me i am elligible for annual increment or not?
You are eligible for the annual increment if you use option, however you should check whether you get benefit from option or not.
Assalam u alaikum,
Sir, I was a permanent employee of Education Deptt KPK . I served as PST for more than two years. Then I applied for CT BPS 15 in the same department. My pay in pst was 80 rupees more than the basic pay of CT initial pay. As this new appointment was adhoc/contract basis therefore,when I applied for pay protection the DEO informed me that pay protection will be accorded after regularization on CT post. But before my regularization I again applied for SST in BPS 16 in the same Deptt and was selected and appointed. Now my service has been regularized. Can I receive now the benefits of my previous 6 years service?. Can I get pay protection now. If yes then how many increments are admissible to me.
Can anyone reply to Mr. Tahreer Ullah’s question?
Dear Taheer,
I think you need to understand the meaning of “Pay Protection”. Pay-Protection means that if a Government employee is appointed to another post, then his Basic-Pay shall not be less than that he is already drawing. Pay protection is obtained by applying “through proper channel” i:e after getting permission from your present department. So now explain what do want to get by “can-I-get-pay-protection-now”. Do you want to apply for another job?
Aslam o Alikum
Dear sir i was appointed through proper chanel from Arid University to NARC. As i join my duties on same date of reliving from the previous department on 11 September. Tell me if i am eligible or not for annual or premature increment as soon as possible. Regards
I served in School Educyiin Dept Punjab and 12 Years in Army .My army service was included in Civil serbice at time of pension but Annual Increments of 12 Years Army service were not included towards pension.
What is procedure to Count of Annual Increments of Former Army service period of 12 years.plz guide in tjos regard
You resigned/retired from your army service or proper channel relived and LPC/Relieving issued by Army?
Sir kindly service till 31st Dec 2019 becomes 6 months and 7 days please?
Sorry on 1st December 2019.
Aslamo Alaikum Sir
I retired from Army on 25 Oct 2017 and re-appointment in ministerial department as LDC on 24 June 2019.
Sir can i elligble for annual increment 2019?
No you are not eligible for the same as you do have not 6 months of service till 31st Dec.
Sir me federal government k military department me regular basis pr as a civil driver bps5 ha ab sir meny same post civil driver bps4 k leye through proper channel federal government k aik aisy department me apply keya hy jaha civil driver bps5 ha or inka salary pkg or different maraat un k nisbt bht behtr hen kya through proper channel yh department mjy as a civil driver bps5 me appointment dega yah ni or kya me through proper channel same trade me higher sy lower scale me ja skta ho wid pay protection yah ni.
You have to apply for pay protection.
1.I was working as budget/account officer in education department punjab in pbs 16. Post upgraded bps 16 to 17 in sep.2014. The stage of the pay scale in B’s 16 & 17.Next stage was not given to me.only annual increment was received on option. Is that correct?
2. I was promoted on 6.11.2015. My pay 39340+100 as special pay in B’s 17. My pay fixed by account officer 40895 at next stage without prematuture increment of regular promotion and added annual increment on option 1.12.2015 and fixed at the stage 42450. Why they have not allowed premature increment of promotion?
Note; Finance deptt. Punjab has already issued a notification for merging of special pay in my favour. PL guide me how can I get premature increment. Thanks.
Assalam u Alaikum!
(When Premature Increment is not granted)
Iska koi notification agar aap k pass available ho to please link send kr dain.
I’m an Asst: Accountant in Anti Terrorism court sindh.
You can read ESTA CODE for the details of the same.
Asslam O Alaikum
if a person is promoted on the recommendation of departmental promotion committee from BPS-16 to BPS-17 and it is written in his orders that ” the employee is promoted to the rank and status of ….BPS-17 on recommendation of DPC on acting charge basis for six months as probation period. however his promotion will be regularized after expiry of probation period”..
whether he is entitled for premature increment or not?
Acting Charge basis walay premature increment lay rahay hain.
When pre mature increment is not granted waleka koi letterya notification
All rules are available in ESTA CODE.
Assalam U Alaikum
I was appointed in BPS 5 in 2015 and then I was reappointed in the same department through proper channel on 26-06-2019. I was not given increment in any scale as my accounts branch said you are not eligible because you are appointed after 1st June, Can I claim increment of my previous scale with reference to the letter of Asif Akram and if you have any other references, please share here.
You should submit your pay fixation proforma along with “Option Certificate” by adding annual increment of that year.
same case mera bhi he mn november 18 ko re appoint howa thha asif akram k refrance sy apny department mn case larha or department ny ab mujy option de
Sir i has been promoted from b-16 to 17 on 19-07-2021(19th July 2021).
My Basic of b-16 is 26510/- stage 5
And initial of b-17 is 30370/-
Can i get premature increment or annual increment
What type of benefit i have?
Sir same case is here with little difference
I moved from federal to punjab
Sir yahi kah rahy hn kih glexy world ky kahny pr Kuch nahi hoga jb kah rahy hn annual increment nahi mily ga re appoint kely to option law mn he nahi he q kih ap june k bad re appoint hoey sir kindly help karein 03023866911 whats app
AOA Sir jo refrance letter Muhammad Asif Akram snr auditor ki he jin ko through proper chanal appoint hony pr option deya gaya wohi letter mery department nahi maan rahi option ka kaha to wo bhi nahi maan rahy hn
what objection did they raise?
Kahty hn glexy world ky kahny pr option nahi mil sakta or jo refrance dey rahy ho wo fake hoskta he
I am Fed Govt employee appointed as Computer Operator (BPS-11) in 2004 and I was placed in (BPS-14) in 2009 and re-designate in 2020 from Computer Operator (BPS-14) to Assistant (BPS-15) but premature increment was not allowed to me twice. Is I am eligible premature increment in 2009 and 2020 or not?
Sir admin email keys post comment keye reply nahi ki kindly rehnumai karein men 24/6/2010 KO minstry department men bps 12 men appoint howa or same department men 27/11/2018 ko through proper channel bps 14 men select howa mujhy 2018 ka annual increment nahi mila kindly koi rule he to help Karen 03454583729
You have to use the option by getting an annual increment in the previous pay scale and fixing the pay in the next scale on 1st December or 2nd.
Option leny kely nahi bataya Gaya kia ab option mil sakta h
Sir i need notification of premature increment govt of Punjab pls send
Premature increment on promotion or upgradation?
Dear Sir,
I was appointed in BPS-17 Post In Azad Jammu & Kashmir through AJKPSC. After two years of Service I got appointment in Federal government through proper channel after being nominated by FPSC in the Same Scale (i.e. BPS-17). When I joined service here in November I got the same basic pay as i was taking in my ex-service. Now let me know Am I elligible for Premature Increment. If yes then How many ( I mean 1 or 2)? I shall really be very grateful for your urgent response.
As per my knowledge premature increment is granted on appointment from lower to higher pay scale.
Dear Sir/Madam
I am a civil servant of GOVT of Punjab, Pakistan. I was re-appointed through proper channel in 2012 from BS-16 SST (regular) to BS-17 Lecturer (contract basis followed by regularization on 7-9-2015) with pay protected. Is there any rule in Punjab for pre-mature increment for my case? please bless with reference notification.
I am not sure about the premature increment on re-appointment in Punjab. However, it is confirmed for the federal govt employees.
I have been promoted to BS-19 and actualized my promotion in 3rd week of June 2021. If I get my pay fixed in BS-19 in July and get a pre-mature increment of promotion, will I be able to get the annual increment due on 1st December 2021?
Kindly guide– as some of my colleagues are asking me not to get my pay fixed before I get the annual increment so that I can then get both annual as well as pre-mature increment.
You should get your pay fixed after the annual increment in the previous scale. It is better you email me the details of your previous pay, date of promotion and BPS.
Aoa sir I want to get clarification that I received my appointment orders on 30 May, but joined my job on 4th June, is there any possibility that I may get annual increment???
Any relaxation in the rule????
You cannot get the annual increment on that year if it is your 1st Govt appointment.
If an employee has been upgraded 01/07/2016 on TSU basis from BPS-14 to BPS-16 & he has opted for availing the Annual Increment in BPS-14 due on 01/12/2016 & then fixation & premature increment on 02/12/2016. In the meanwhile on 10/10/2016, the post is upgraded from BPS-14 to BPS-15 & BPS-16 as one time dispensation. So how would his pay will be fixed in this case.
First, we’ll fix the pay in BPS-15 then in BPS-16. Just check the next above in BPS-15 and premature increment and then check the same in BPS-16.
Respected Sir, please guide me if a person want to join a post in another dept. which ranks in low grade e.g from BPS 17 he want to join BPS 16 in another dept. is he gets any of the benefits like previous increments or any allowance. and if so please sent me the notification if any. thanks
If an employee promoted from BPS 9 to 14 on acting charge basis then he is eligible for annual increment of BPS 14 or BPS 9
Yes, he is eligible if under the rules.
If someone regularized on 4th june,
Will he get annual increment?
He will not get the annual increment unless his previous service is regularized.
Plz clarify that either OPTION for fixation of pay (on re-appointment from lower to higher scale in the same department) must be tendered only on 1st December of same Calendar Year of Re-appointment or at any stage in the succeeding calendar years of re-appointment?
I could not understand, please in detail.
Dear Madam
One of my friend in Punjab Govt. promoted after 1st June 2020. His pay was fixed on the same date as he joined new post. Can he avail the option of re-fixation of pay w.e.f. 1st December 2020.
Please reply.
Yes he can use the option for fixation of his pay on 1st Dec after availing annual increment in previous pay scale.
Sir agar two stages ka difference annual increment k equal ho tow kia premature mily ga
On ugpradation py.
Difference kam ho tow milta hai aur agar zyada ho tow nahe milta lakin agar equal ho tow pir kia rule hai is l bary mai.
if a person get selected against the post of Asstt Director (BPS-17) in the month of August from Section Incharge (BPS-17) post and no change comes in his salary… is he entitled for pre-mature increment for selection in same scale and what about his annual increment ?
Sir plz inform if a person join on 1st December, he will get premature increment or not
Sir plz mujhe PREMATURE INCREMENT wala letter send kr dain
DATED:- 29-01-2002
The letter dated 30-05-2021 is as under:
Sir mujhe ye letter chahiye
DATED:- 29 JAN 2002
Plz whatspp 03235461415
Whether Premature increment is allowed on time scale promotion? e.g. if an employee is working as Asstt. Director BS-17; if he is granted time scale promotion as Asstt. Director (BS-18) whether he will get premature increment or not?
On-Time Scale Promotion, premature Increment is not allowed.
Sir a federal Empolee inducted in BPS-08 on October, 2004 and he upgraded to BPS-14 on 22 September, 2005.
1. Eligible for annual increment and premature increment or not?
2. His service is less than 03 years in that period.
Sir Please reply with letters / notifications plz
Assalam o Alaikum Sir,
I joined as sst in BPS 15 on 08-05- 1988. l was appointed as SS in BB-17 on direct selection basis and joined on 31-12-1989 in BS-17.
May my joining in BS-17
Falls in re-appoitment category as I applied through proper channel and my non gazetted service was also for length of service. Was I entitled for a premature increment? May I claim it now? I have been retired on 30-06-2012.
If your appointment is through the proper channel then you can get the premature increment. Further, I shall check the date of implementation of premature increment.
Sir kya pre mature increment class 4 employees ko har 10 Saal baad move up par allow hai, misaal k tor par koi employee 2010 main appoint hua aur 2020 main wo federal government k rules k mutabiq 10 Saal k baad bps-1 say bps-2 main promote hua to usay premature increment milay hi?
Yes, he/she will get premature increment after 2013.
Aslam aikum
Is ka koi ltr mil jaega. Hamare department me nhn de re aik auditor sb un ka kehna he k ye move up he is me premature nhn milta. Kindly ocg 2013 k clarificatin ltr k mutabiq. Plz helpout. Thanx
Move Up for which scale? please in detail.
I am employee of Sindh Govt and currently I promoted in same scale B 16 my current basic pay is Rs 41710 ,will you please tell me what is my next basic pay after fixation
Dear just add two increments in this pay (one is next above and the other one is premature increment). Thanks
A superintendent BPS-17 was promoted to the post of Assistant Controller BPS-17 on 28-07-2020, it is same scale promotion, according to rule he is allowed one advance increment and one premature increment on promotion. He did not avail the option of fixation after 1st December 2020. as his fixation in BPS-17 (as Assistant Controller was made w.e.f 28-07-2020).
Now the question is that whether he is eligible for annual increment on 1st December 2020 or not, if answer is yes then any notification please.
We have appointed on contract basis in WASA FDA fsd on 11-04-2015 and our services are regularized on 20-09-2017.
Please guide us we are eligible for annual increment 2017 or not.
According to the Punjab Govt “NO”
I reached the maximum of bs 18 on dated 01-12-1997 and recieved no annual increment for the year 1998 and 1999. On dated 08- 06- 2000, i got selection grade in bs 18 but no premature increment is given. In 15-02-2013 i was regularized in bs 18 and no advance or premature increment get. In 28- 07- 2017 i am promoted to bs 19 a d again recieve no premature increment a d no annual increment kindly guide me in this regard
You are eligible for increment on ur promotion, plz send complete detail at my email galaxyworld1122@gmail.com
Is through proper channel apply is compulsory for reappointed to higher post in the same office / department for continuation of svc?
If yes then any solution if a person not applied proper channel to get his svc count?
Is through proper channel apply is compulsory for re appointment to a higher scale in same office / department for continuation of service?
dear sir
i was appointed as untrained PTC teacher BPS-7 in KPK Kohat on 19/04/87. i passed my FA in 1987 and BA in 1989. Passed PTC on 2/4/92 and was placed in BPS-9 on the base of FA.
am i eligible for premature increment?
Please share notification for premature increment on promtion from bs-14 to bs-15, punjab govt education department or civil employees
I m fed govt employees i was stenotypist in BPS-12 wef 13-1-1990 to 3-5-1994 than i was promoted in selection grade 14 on 4-5-1994. Sir my question is basucally post of stenotypist (BPS-12) is matric based and i m intermediate passed, can i get qualification pay equell two incremet
According to my knowledge, you are eligible for the advance increments.
Sir, Im working in a Federal Govt. Department. My Particulars are as under:
Date of joining in BPS-8 on contract basis: 15-11-199
Date of regular in BPS-8 (1540-88-2860): 01-04-2000
Date of promotion in BPS-11 (1725-116-3465): 16-05-2001
Sir, at the time of promotion my basic pay in BPS-8 was 1628 and I was not granted premature increment. Plz guide that premature mature should had been granted or not.
apki bot nawazish ho gi.
You are not allowed the premature increment as the difference of the two pay scales pays is more than the annual increment.
Sir my basic pay in BPS-8 was Rs. 1628 and was adjusted in BPS 11 on initial stage i.e. Rs.1725 the increment of BPS-11 was Rs. 125. So, the difference between BPS-8 pay and BPS-11 pay was 1725-1628= Rs.97 which was less than increment of BPS-11 i.e.Rs.125.
If so then there is another condition that premature increment requires minimum 3 years period.
Condition of three year service has been relaxed on reappointment/ upgradation on 11/2/2020 I file a case and win
Please email me the letter/order at galaxyworld1122@gmail.com
AOA sir…. Sir Meri basic 17520 in bps 14 at 22-11-2022
23-11-2022 Meri promotion hui hai bps 15…
Then my basic 20110..
Sir mujy 1-12-2022 ko increment lgy ga k ni
if someone promoted in Nov.2016 from BS-17 to BS-18, he will get premature increment, my question is this, will he get annual increment in Dec. 2016 for BS-18…? (Punjab Govt and Regular Service)
He can use “OPTION” for the same purpose.
agar contract 02/04/12 ha aor regular 14/07/16 ho to 2016 k 6 month contract k Jo 13 July tak ho jaty Han un ki waja say 2016 ki increment personal allowance ma add ho gi kya
Punjab Govt example is before for all that they not even granted personal allowance not annual increment of that years.
Joining on contract in 2012agar 14/07/2016 ko regular order Huy to 1 Jan say 13 July take 6 month ki waja say agar basic ni to 2016 ki increment Personal allowance ma shamal ho gi k ni
if first joining 02 /04/2012 but regular on 14/07/2016 what in about increment 2016
U will not get the annual increment of 2016.
is ma Jo contract k 6 month ha 1 Jan say 13 July take 2016 k us ki waja say kya personal allowance ma b azafa ni ho GA Dec 2016 ms
I am get premature increments but annual increment yes or no
Sir if an employee was without pay from april 2019 till 31 december 2019 either he eligible for annual increment
No he will not get the annual increment of 2019.
Sir. Iam a federal employee.my case is as follow:
1: Upgraded to BPS-19 on 29.8.2014.no increment was awarded
2: Govt announced premature increment for TSU and my case for pre-mature increment has been sent to concerned quarters.
3: Mean time i am promoted in same scale(BPS-19)
4.Also my annual increment is due on 01.12.2019.
How many increments will be awrded to me as on 1.12.2019 .if i m not wrong these will be 4 increments
a. Upgradation increment.
b. 2 increments on promotion in same scale
C. Annual increment.
Kindly advise. Regards, mian faiz
thank you for this post i got same problem of upgradation and one advance increment kindly can you share me letter / clarificaiton of fedral govt abt this
What about the fixation in term of Para 4 of Revised Pay Scale Notifications 2017 etc?
It is mentioned there that pay may not less on revision of pay scales if the employee is promoted from lower to higher scale before these scales.
Iam working in education department as ct post bps 15.Before this i was spst bps 14. when i have promoted to bps 15 the account section dose not given a premature increment to me.thay said u r not eligible for premature becouse u have already taken a premature increment 1.5 year ago .Kindly inform me that i m eligible for this or not. Thanks
According to my knowledge for the next premature increment there require minimum 3 years.
Kindly share rule reference or any Order please……
Please ESTA CODE for the details of the same as well as Notifications issued by Finance Division from time to time.
I have newly appointed in govt.organization. in the month of April.Will I get premature increment?
I want to know because people of my department are saying it doesn’t applied on newly appointed employee
Premature Increment is granted to the employees who are already a govt servant and re-appointed.
Dear three years condition has been relaxed please contact me on 03449402149 najeeb